Setting up a Google Search Console account is very easy. If you can’t figure it out, email and we’ll send the instructions to you for free.

Here are the main sections of the information found about your website within Google Search Console and a couple of examples of the sub-categories within each:

  • Search Appearance – structured data, HTML improvements
  • Search Traffic – search traffic queries, links to your site
  • Google Index – pages indexed, content keywords
  • Crawl – crawl errors, crawl stats
  • Security Issues – resources for hacked sites and cross-site malware
  • Other Resources – page speed insights, email markup tester, custom search for your site, structured-data testing tool


Link building is essential in an SEO strategy, but it’s about quality, not quantity. Paying someone to send out masses of articles that are keyword stuffed to irrelevant sites is the wrong way to go. Learn more about Link Schemes from Google Search Console Help.

If you want to dig into Google algorithm updates of Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird, @Marie_Haynes of Moz does a heck of a job explaining it in her blog “Your Google Algorithm Cheat Sheet: Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird”

And lastly, if you have not done an SEO audit on your site lately, OpGo provides that service as well. We are very transparent in our methods—we’re here to help business owners, not take advantage of their lack of digital knowledge.